Sunday 17 November 2013

Assignment 3: Summary procedure of translation

Nida (1964) devided procedure of translation into Technical and Organizational procedures. For technical procedures, there are three steps as follow:
a.       Analysis of the source and target languages
It means that before we translated something, we need to know well the source language and how it can be translated into target language without changing the meaning.
b.      a through study of the source language text before making attempts translate it.
As stated above, we need to analyze the source language before translate it into target language, to make sure that we translate it correctly and the message from the author can be delivered to the reader in target language.
c.       Making judgements of the semantic and syntactic approximations (pp.241-45).
When we translate, it’s important for us to know the sentence structure, and of course its meaning.  Once we make a mistake in the structure, it can also ruin the meaning, and perhaps the message from the author can’t be delivered correctly.

As for the organizational procedures, translating need constant reevaluation, comparing with the other translation of the same text, and also checking whether the text we translate can be understood by the target language readers by asking them to evaluate its accuracy, along with that we study their reaction toward the result.

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