Sunday 1 December 2013

assignment 4 : analyze translation in product

English text
Indonesia  text
La Fonte Spaghetti with Bolognese Sauce
La Fonte Spaghetti Saus Bolognese
Reduction. The word with can still be translated as dengan, but the translator just reduce it because it doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence.
Borrowing. The words spaghetti and bolognese are borrowed from English.
Easy to serve, just in 4 minutes.
Spaghetti praktis mudah disajikan hanya dalam 4 menit.
Addition. The translator add Spaghetti in the translation as the subject to make the customers know the product that translator means.
La Fonte Spghetti made from semolina durum wheat,
Spaghetti La Fonte terbuat dari Semolina gandum durum pilihan,
Borrowing. The borrowing word is spaghetti which is borrowed from English.
Addition. The word pilihan in the last sentence added to give an additional impression for the translation.
Served with natural delicious sauce and meat.
Dilengkapi dengan saus kaya cita rasa dan daging sapi.
Description. In this sentence, the word delicious descibe as kaya cita rasa which have the same meaning.
Enjoy La Fonte Spaghetti with a variety of delicious sauces.
Nikmati La Fonte Spaghetti dengan berbagai aneka saus.
Reduction. The translator reduce the word delicious which is can still be translated as lezat/enak.
Pour spaghetti into 550 ml boiled water for 4 minutes.
Masukkan spaghetti ke dalam 550ml air mendidih selama 4 menit, aduk sesekali.
Addition.  The translator add aduk sesekali in the last sentence as the additional instruction for customer to be easier while making the spaghetti.
Take out spaghetti from water, drain well. Place on a plate.
Keluarkan spaghetti dari air lalu tiriskan. Taruh di piring.
Reduction. There are two words reduce in this sentence, that is well and a. Well can be translated as dengan baik, while a in Indonesia has the same meaning with sebuah. So, this sentence can be translated as Keluarkan spaghetti dari air lalu tiriskan dengan baik. Taruh di sebuah piring. Though the translation seems a little bit weird.
Pour suce into spaghetti, mix well, serve immediately.
Tuangkan saus ke spaghetti, aduk hingga merata, hidangkan selagi hangat.
Substitution. In the last sentence, the translator translated immediately with selagi hangat. He substitute the literal meaning of immediately, which is sesegera mungkin, with selagi hangat in order to make the translation suitable.
Spaghetti: Semolina Durum Wheat
Spaghetti: Semolina Gandum Durum
Literal. These two sentences use literal technique because it’s translated one word for word literally.
Sauce: Tomato Sauce, Beef Broth, Vegetable Protein, Sugar, Tapioca, Meat, Vegetable Oil, Onion, Carrots, Salt, Flavour Enhancer (Monosodium Glutamat)
Saus: Saus Tomat, Kaldu Sapi, Protein Nabati, Gula, Tapioka, Daging Sapi, Minyak Nabati, Bawang Bombay, Wortel, Garam. Penguat Rasa (Monosodium Glutamat)

 source: La Fonte Spaghetti with Bolognese Sauce

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